Ready to do your own jury research?

The guidebook includes:

A checklist for setting up your focus group system basics.

A checklist for places to recruit participants.

A sample questionnaire form.

A sample confidentiality form.

PLUS you will get additional emails with more information and materials on moderating/presenting, detecting scammers, and ways to use virtual focus groups.

Hi! I'm Elizabeth Larrick, former plaintiff trial lawyer turned consultant. I used focus groups to develop my cases and now help other lawyers do the same. I put together this DIY Starter Guidebook to fill a gap in available information for lawyers to do their own jury research. Hope it helps!

Do Your own . . .

Focus Groups

Get answers to challenging liability disputes and hard-to-value damages. Stop spinning your wheels with "the ways its always been done" and get into the mind of the jury for true solutions.

This Starter Guidebook gives you a head-start on setting up your own system with easy-to-follow checklist and sample forms.

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